photo: Horizon observation Abundance in Space and Time

24 hour horizon observations

Watching the horizon for 24 hours. It`s just as simple as it sounds. Spending one day and night on the beach, surrounded by weather and waves. Sun and rain, light and darkness, the tides.. Feeling completely free, far away from the rat race of daily life. Experiencing space and tranquillity to collect new ideas and insights. Leaving the past behind if it doesn`t serve you, or diving back into it to integrate it forward, into your new adventures.

In my case, spending time with the horizon in sight helps me find what I like to call The Right Question. The one issue that deserves my attention at that moment. Allowing everything else to be ranked as unimportant for the moment.

The first 24-hour horizon observation (date: 10 April 2013) brought me the storyline of the award-winning book NEW HORIZONS. It`s a tale of the adventurous journey of life. From home to home.

All subsequent horizonobservations all had different forms and different themes, so that I could share the beneficial view in new ways and with different people. The following editions have taken place until now:

Beyond the tides (10 April 2013)
A Free Flight (21 September 2013)
Gratitute (21 September 2014)
Cleared to Land (21 June 2015)
Waving goodbye to summer (1 October 2016)
Choosing Space and Tranquillity (5 June 2017)
Harvesting together (20 September 2017)
Spring 2018 (19 May 2018)
Autumn Equinox (21 September 2018)
Spring 2019 (5 June 2019)
Corporate Edition #1 (29 August 2019)
Autumn Equinox (22 September 2019)
Abundance in Space and Time (21 September 2020)
Autumn Equinox (22 September 2021)

While organising horizon observations during previous years, I collaborated with Hanneke van der Werf (2018 en 2019), Helen Hartmann (2020 en 2021) and Lars Doyer (2019, 2020 en 2022).

If you like to stay posted about future observations, exhibitions and activities, please consider subscribing to my newsletter Sharing Adventures.

Impression by Arie Lengkeek, oktober 2016 / Waving goodbye to summer